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Request for Qualifications for Architects

Request for Qualifications Download

Response Deadline: September 18, 2023 3:00 PM

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A pivotal first step, Preservation Plans serve as planning and management tools to assemble information about a historic resource in order to provide the necessary information to responsibly deal with existing issues and concerns about the resources and plan for its future, guide implementation of recommendations resulting from the plan, and act as a reference source. 

It is a comprehensive document that guides the development, prioritization, and implementation of repair, rehabilitation, and restoration projects, directs the use and maintenance of the historic property, and functions as a primary source of archival information for planning and reference.

A Preservation Plan covers every aspect of documenting and maintaining a historic property. Development of a plan is dependent on the amount of information readily available and attainable and the resources available to commission the plan - which is why we need your help! Fundraising has begun as the grassroots movement to restore the Georgia B. Williams Nursing Home will require significant funds. Further, we are working to build a database of "Bea's Babies," of those who were born within the walls of the house, and their descendants. Harnessing these stories and building a coalition of support is essential to the cause.

Since completion of the Preservation Plan at the outset of 2021, the Georgia B. William's Nursing Home has been placed on the nation's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list and is the recipient of an African American Cultural Action Fund grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and an African American Civil Rights Grant from the National Park Service.

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